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Expanding our borders…

I’m sure this title is deceiving and you are probably thinking the farm just somehow expanded and we are building something else new and exciting, but that’s not exactly the borders I’m talking about. Rather it’s about a little verse, a prayer Milt and I have been praying for years.  It all started with a Bible study we did as we studied a less well known character of Scripture-Jabez.  He became much more popular in the early 2000’s with a book written by Bruce Wilkinson, called The Prayer Of Jabez.

It’s a simple but profound prayer…

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain!’  So God granted him what he requested.”  I Chronicles 4:10.

For nearly nineteen years Milt and I have prayed this over our family and our farm.  In fact the verse hangs in a frame on our bathroom wall–we see it every morning as we brush our teeth!  And my how we have watched God expand our borders.  We have many stories to tell about that, but tonight as I write this, He’s writing one more story.

Friday afternoon,  I  (just Janie) will  be traveling with a team to Krakow, Poland to share Jesus.  I can’t tell you why I’m going except that God said “GO!”  And I don’t know why God called me and not Milt too, but, my bags are packed, and instructions are in place for the staff here to help Milt, and I am headed to bed.  Ready and waiting to see what God is up to.  Ready to see what He is doing as He certainly is expanding my borders.  And Milt’s.  We have never been apart for this long.  And certainly not with one of us on the other side of the world.  (I’m sure Milt would be thrilled if you came by to check on him this week!)

So will you join us in praying?  Will you ask God to bless us, to keep His hand with us and keep us from evil, while He expands our borders (me in Poland and Milt here at home in Kentucky)?

Thank you!  Stay tuned for more….  God’s stories are always good.

